Vernon Boulevard. Queensbridge Housing Project New York City Housing Project #N.Y. 5-2
Vernon Boulevard. Queensbridge Housing Project New York City Housing Project #N.Y. 5-2, exterior of first unit finished, proof size, children on swing.
[Vernon Boulevard. Queensbridge Housing Project New York City Housing Project #N.Y. 5-2, exterior of first unit finished.]
[Vernon Boulevard. Queensbridge Housing Project New York City Housing Project #N.Y. 5-2, exterior of first unit finished, proof size, children on swing.]
[New York, N.Y.]
Century House, near Kingsbridge Road, N.Y.
A 151 a. New York Public Library, N.Y. City
City Hospital. Blackwells Island, N.Y.
Eighth Avenue Elevation- United States Post Office Building, New York, N.Y.
New York Hippodrome, N.Y. City.
N.Y. Housing Slum
Billop Conference House - Bedroom (1668) Staten Island N.Y.
Billop House, Basement Kitchen. (1668) S.I., N.Y.
Tompkins-Kiel Marble Works #775 Vernon Ave. Long Island City N.Y.