Wall Street. Brown Brothers Bank Building, detail view of plaques on 3rd floor exterior
Wall Street. Detail of installation in Brown Bros. Bank.
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan Building. Elevated view from 63 Wall Street
Howard Park General Hospital, general view from S.W.
Wall Street at the N.W. corner of William Street. Bank of America, entrance.
New York Worlds Fair, Gas Building, general view from S.W.
Wall Street and William Street. Bank of America.
United Nations Plaza Apartments, general view from S.W. of two buildings.
Woolworth Building, General View Looking S.W. [Approaching construction zone.]
Front Street at the S.W. corner of Pine Street. Lamborn Building
1407 Broadway between 38th and 39th Street. Commercial building general view looking S.W.
48 Wall Street. Tops of Bank of New York Trust Co. and National City Co.'s buildings.
Veterans Hospital, general view looking S.W.
49 Wall Street. Union Bank of Canada, exterior detail.
183 Varick at King Street, S.W. corner. Corey [sp?] Building, general exterior view.
New York Worlds Fair, Glass Products Building, general front view from S.W..
161 Front Street, corner Fletcher Street. Cullman Brothers, general interior.
City view from 120 Wall Street looking northwest