29 Beaver Street. [Lower part of building.]
New York City Hall. Interior, stairway and rotunda
One State Plaza Building, detail of curtain wall, lower part State Street, side.
[View of Lower Manhattan and Governors Island from New York Harbor.]
New York City Hall.
127 John Street Building, detail of lower part above main entrance on Water Street.
65 Broadway. American Express Building, detail of lower stories.
New York City Hall and City Hall Park. View looking northeast from 235 Broadway
Museum of City of New York, rendering.
Aeroplane View of Lower Manhattan, New York
1 Whitehall Street. Detail along front and showing part of 2 Broadway in background.
City View, Old New York. View of Aquarium and New York Harbor, taken from 1 Broadway. Ellis Island visible.
1370 Sixth Avenue, S.E. corner of 5th Street, detail of lower part.
New York City Hall. Detail of top
Museum of the City of New York, rendering.
39 Broadway. Harriman Building, detail of upper part from roof of Cunard Building.
30 Broad Street. View of Continental Bank Building and Lower Manhattan
New York Worlds Fair, Theme Center, detail of lower part, ball, trylon, and connecting bridge.
New York City Hall