Stale Bread Vendor, Mulberry Bend.
[Mulberry Bend.]
[Young children at a water fountain at Mulberry Bend.]
[Mulberry Bend]
[Mulberry Bend Park.]
[Group of young boys, Mulberry Bend.]
"Little Italy." -- In Mulberry Bend.
Street Scenes - 1898. Mulberry St. Street Vendors.
A Rookery in Mulberry Bend
[Mulberry Street.]
[Dancing in Mulberry Street.]
[Mulberry Bend, Looking North, 1888.]
Bandits' Roost - a Mulberry Bend Alley.
Juvenile Toughs, Mulberry Bend
A Vegetable Stand in the Mulberry Street Bend with Myself [Jacob A. Riis] in the picture.