[West side of Hudson Street, north from Charlton Street and King Street.]
[North east corner of Canal and Hudson Streets.]
[East side of Hudson Street.]
[King's Coffee and Teas- 288 Hudson Street.]
[East side of Hudson Street looking south from Clarkson Street to W. Houston Street.]
[West side of Hudson Street, north from King Street to West Houston Street.]
[East side of Hudson Street, looking north from King Street to W. Houston Street.]
[West side of Hudson Street, looking north from W. Houston Street to Clarkson.]
[West side of Hudson Street, looking north from Watts Street to Spring Street.]
[North side of Canal Street from Renwick to Watts & Hudson Street.]
[Duane Methodist Episcopal Church on east side of Hudson Street.]
[Winkler Iron Company- 254 Hudson Street.]
[North east corner of Washington & King Street.]
[North side of Spring Street, looking west from Washington Street and Greenwich Street.]
189 Varick Street at the corner of King Street. Tenements.
[Northwest corner of 6th Avenue and King Street.]
[West side of Hudson Street, north from Morton Street to Barrow Street.]
[Southeast corner of Thompson Street and 4th Street.]
Washington Street and King Street. Building.
[Street scenes.]