[Interior of unidentified house.]
[Interior of Fulton Market building.]
[Interior of Devoe & Reynolds paint store.]
[Interior of St. Paul's Chapel.]
Schrafft's, 386 Fulton Street, B'klyn, Interior, Candy Counter.
[Interior of Washington Market.]
211 Fulton Street. Trinity Mission House. Interior, triptych center panel
211 Fulton Street. Trinity Mission House. Interior, triptych left panel
[Unidentified interior.]
Schrafft's, 386 Fulton Street, B'klyn, Interior, Candy Counter & Boxes and Dolls.
211 Fulton Street. Trinity Mission House. Interior, altar and triptych
[Unidentified interior courtyard.]
[Interior of an unidentified house.]
65 Fulton Street. New York Smelting and Refining Works. Interior, manufacturing shop
211 Fulton Street. Trinity Mission House. Interior, triptych right panel