[Winkler Iron Company- 254 Hudson Street.]
[Southeast corner of King Street and Hudson Streets.]
[Hudson Street.]
[West side of Hudson Street, north from Charlton Street and King Street.]
[Dominick Street between Varick and Hudson.]
[East side of Hudson Street.]
[Hudson Street and Desbrosses Street.]
[Dominick Street.]
350 Hudson Street. Commercial building
[North east corner of Canal and Hudson Streets.]
Washington Street and King Street. Baker Smith and Co. Building.
[East side of Hudson Street looking south from Clarkson Street to W. Houston Street.]
[245-251 Hudson Street]
[Monroe House, 63 Prince Street.]
304 Hudson Street. American Ever Ready Co., annealing oven and blast furnace.
[Unidentified street between Green and Wooster Streets]
[Canal Street and Lafayette Street.]
[261-267 Hudson Street]
345 Hudson Street. Standard Statistics Building.