[The Pierre and The Sherry-Netherland seen from Central Park.]
New York City views. Sherry-Netherlander, Savoy Plaza, Savoy from park.
Sherry-Netherland, Savoy-Plaza and Plaza from Central Park.
Central Park at 59th Street, Showing Hotels Plaza, Savoy-Plaza-Sherry Netherlands and Pierre at Night.
Central Park, showing Hotels Netherland and Savoy, New York.
Hotel Sherry-Netherland, New York
[Central Park from Central Park West.]
Central Park Lake.
Sherry-Netherland & Savoy-Plaza Hotels
Sherry Netherland, Savoy Plaza Skyline from Central Park. From Hill at 85th Street. From Ritz to Plaza Skyline.
Central Park at 59th Street, showing Hotels Plaza, Savoy Plaza -- Sherry Netherlands and Pierre, New York City.
[Fifth Avenue from Central Park]
New York City views. Savoy-Plaza and Sherry Netherlands, open view.
Sherry-Netherland Hotel Interview with British Movie Magnate
New York City views. Savoy-Plaza and Sherry Netherlands, between two tiers.
Netherland and Savoy Hotels from Central Park, N. Y. City.
Looking South from Central Park, New York City.
Central Park.
[Central Park]
The Perimeter of Central Park.