[59-61 Morton Street.]
[61, 59 and 57 Morton Street.]
[59-61 Carmine Street.]
[Minetta Street.]
[Houses on Minetta Street.]
[Downing Street.]
[The little church around the corner of the Minettas.]
[Minetta Lane -- pushcarts.]
[17 West 8th Street.]
[30 West 11th Street.]
[134-136 Bleecker Street.]
[House in Greenwich Village.]
Bedford Street and Morton Street [Baxter Street to Broad Street.]
Hudson and Morton Streets [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
[East side of Hudson Street, north from St. Luke's Place to Morton Street.]
[Washington Place.]
[45-47-49 West 8th St N.Y.C. (ripe for studio alteration).]
71 Morton Street. Interior, boiler
[121-123 Washington Place, N.Y.C.]