West 114th Street and Morningside Drive. Church
114th Street and Morningside Avenue. Notre Dame Church, watercolor rendering.
114th Street and Riverside Drive. General exterior.
[Fountain, Riverside Drive and 76th Street.]
[Rudd House, northeast corner 114th Street and Riverside Drive.]
[Rudd Mansion, northeast corner of 114th Street and Riverside Drive.]
[Untermeyer Memorial Fountain, Central Park Conservatory Gardens.]
535 West 114th Street. Columbia University Library
605-611 West 114th Street. Heathcote Hall Apartment House.
St. Luke's Hospital (Vanderbilt Pavilion Stairway) 1899 Amsterdam to Morningside Ave 113th-114th Sts.
Riverside Dwellings, 619 West 114th St.
[Figure at base of Louis Kossuth memorial.]
Riverside Dwellings, 611-619 West 114th St.
[James Fountain in Union Square.]
[Eagles and Goat Sculpture in Central Park.]
West 114th Street at the corner of Broadway. St. Luke's Home for Aged People.