Mrs. John D. Mairs at Home
Mary E. St. John
[145 Cherry Street, original home of the East River Savings Bank and the home of John Leveridge.]
John D. Mairs
[St. Luke's Home.]
Home of Stephen Vincent Benet, 215 E. 68th St. Oct 2, 1950.
Apt. 29 E. 64 St.
One Family's Outlook on the Airshaft. The Mother said, "Our Daughter does not care to come Home to Sleep."
[Church of St. Mary.]
[Residence of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Maers.]
1200 Madison Av. - 21 E 87 St.
Apartment 667 Madison Ave., S. E. Cor. 61st St.
View of Baxter (Late Orange St.) Betw. Hester & Grand St.
[25 Oliver Street, Alfred E. Smith's home from 1918-1928.]
"Smith's Folly." Abigail Adams Smith House E. 61st St.
Home of John Barrymore 132 West 4th St. 1950.
The Home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Treadwell
[Country home of John Mason, father of Mary Mason Jones.]
[St. Mary's Church corner of Grand Street and Ridge Street.]
The Old Hooper House. 2d. ave. 83d St. 1860.