[Looking north up Madison Avenue, from 70th Street.]
[Madison Avenue and 70th Street.]
[Looking north from the corner of 70th Street and Madison Avenue.]
Presbyterian Hospital, Madison and 70th Street
Presbyterian Hospital; Madison Ave. and 70th Street, New York
First Avenue and East 70th Street
[178 East 70th Street.]
Buildings, 70th Street & 5th Avenue.
Madison Ave. and 70th Street [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
70th Street and Park Avenue. George Blumenthal residence, exterior.
[Madison Avenue, looking north from 67th Street.]
132 East 70th Street. Goldman residence.
Presbyterian Hospital; Madison Ave and 70th Street. New York.
19 East 70th Street. General exterior.
Fifteen Story Apartment Hotel. South East Corner Madison Av & E 70th St., N.Y.C.
121 East 70th Street. General exterior.
178 East 70th Street. Apartment house.
9 East 70th Street. Dr. Walter James residence.