Homecoming 1997
Great Hall, C.C.N.Y. Convent Avenue, 137th Street.
The College of the City of New York Inauguration of Frederick Bertrand Robinson, Ph.D., LL.D.
Programme of the Joint Meeting of the Clionian and Phrenocosmian Literary Societies
[Joint Meeting of the Phrenocosmian and Clionian Literary Societies.]
[287 Convent Avenue]
Public Meeting in Memory of Alfred G. Compton of the Class of 1853
[Thirteen trees and Convent Avenue, looking north.]
Education, Colleges, City College Gate.
City College of New York, main building.
Eight 48-Inch Pipes Laid in Convent Avenue [Croton System.]
Colleges, City College, 138th Street & Amsterdam Ave. Gateway.
Old College Sycamore Schottisch
Adolph Werner - Scholar, Teacher, Friend
[497 Convent Avenue]
[Interior of house.]
[Shepard Hall, City College.]
West 147th Street at the S.W. corner of Convent Avenue. Paul Revere Apartment House.