[Fort Washington Avenue, looking north west from between 174th and 175th Streets.]
[Gate on Fort Washington Avenue to Hood Wright Place at 175th Street.]
[176th Street looking west from Fort Washington Avenue.]
[499 West 175th Street]
[West 175th Street from Audubon Avenue to Wadsworth Avenue.]
West 175th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]
[Looking north east from Fort Washington Avenue & 185th Street.]
175th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue. Audubon Exchange
[Fort Washington and 187th Street.]
[Looking west along 173rd Street from Ft. Washington Avenue.]
Fort Washington Avenue and West 159th Street. Apartment building.
[Map showing 172nd to 175th Street between 10th Avenue and Kingsbridge Road]
[North on Fort Washington Avenue from 187th Street.]
[Fort Washington Avenue, looking north from 181st Street.]
East 175th Street and Marmion Avenue. Apartment house.
[Fort Washington Avenue and 181st Street.]
[Apartment complex at 563-573 Fort Washington Avenue.]