[Seamen's Church Institute on State Street.]
Seamen's Church Institute, New York City, 25 South Street.
[Seaman's Church Institute, 26 South Street.]
[Looking north on John Street from Front Street.]
[Three views of Front Street.]
[Front Street, Old Slip police station on left.]
[Seamen's Hotel, 25 South Street, before it was torn down.]
[Looking south from Cortlandt Street.]
[Building at south west corner of Burling Slip and Front Street.]
[A. Coenties Slip ; B. Coenties Slip ; C. Jeanette Park ; D. North to Coenties Slip ; E. Looking east on Coenties ; F. Seamen's Church Institute.]
[Front Street.]
[South Street, from Cuyler's Alley to Old Slip.]
[Nassau Street looking south.]
Seamen's Church Institute, 25 South St., The Bldg. from across the Park.
[Pearl Street, looking south from Beekman Street.]
[Seamen's Church Institute, 25 South St., The Bldg. from across the Park.]
[Seamen's Church Institute, 25 South St., The Bldg. from Across the Park.]
[Broadway looking south from above Vesey Street.]