[Dominick Street.]
[King's Coffee and Teas- 288 Hudson Street.]
[No. 107 Varick Street.]
[Winkler Iron Company- 254 Hudson Street.]
[189 Varick Street.)
[245-251 Hudson Street]
Varick Street
[Unidentified street between Green and Wooster Streets]
[Map of Intersection of Spring Street and Varick Street]
[Varick Street.]
75 Varick Street. Holland Plaza Building
[North side of Franklin Street between Hudson and Varick Streets.]
Old Houses King & Varick Sts. By Bernhard Wall.
U.S. Appraisers Stores, 201 Varick Street
145-49 Sixth Avenue, #1 Dominick St., N.Y.C,.
[Duane Methodist Episcopal Church on east side of Hudson Street.]
[Monroe House, 63 Prince Street.]
350 Hudson Street. Commercial building
[Lafayette Street near Grand Street.]