[Duane Street and Hudson Street showing Duane Park]
[Duane and Hudson Street, showing Duane Park.]
[Duane Street between Hudson and Greenwich Streets.]
[Duane Street.]
[Hudson Street Looking North from Duane Street.]
[Looking at Duane Park and the Schepp Building from the corner of Hudson and Duane Streets.]
Morse & Rogers Bldg., Duane & Hudson Sts.
[Looking at the southeast corner of Duane and Greenwich Streets.]
61-63 and 65-67 Duane Street, corner of Elk Street.
Hudson and Duane Streets [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
67 Hudson Street at the corner Jay Street. Hudson Street Hospital.
[Northeast corner of Laight Street and Hudson Street.]
250 Hudson Street and Broome Street, N.E. corner. Holland Tunnel Plaza.