Theatre, Academy of Music, 14th St. & Irving Place.
[Northwest corner of 14th Street and Irving Place.]
[Northwest corner of Irving Place and 14th Street.]
East 14th Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
Academy of Music, "Sporting duchess".
[Bird's eye view from 14th Street and Irving Place.]
North Side of 14th Street near Irving Place.
[Corner of Irving Place and 17th Street.]
East 14th Street and Irving Place. Base of tower building
[145 East 14th Street.]
New Academy of Music
[Entertainment & recreation facilities on 14th Street.]
[Newsstand on 14th Street.]
East 14th Street and Irving Place. Consolidated Gas Company, detail of tower
[Views of 14th Street.]
[Westminster Hotel, northwest corner of 16th Street and Irving Place.]
First New York Academy of Music. 1853.
[North side of 14th Street, looking west from Irving Place.]
Academy of Music
[Northeast corner of 14th Street and 5th Avenue.]