Lispenard St. Front
Walker St. Front.
[24 Walker Street- Walker-Lispenard Building.]
[Church Street between Lispenard and Walker Streets.]
321-323 Church St. New York. 321 Church St. View Looking N.E. Along South Front on Lispenard Street & Showing Bulge in Wall at Leader and East Edge of Building
Lispenard Estate
Broadway and Lispenard Street [Broadway & Murray to Broadway & Canal Street]
[Broadway and Lispenard Street.]
[Roth's Shoes, 38 Lispenard Street.]
Franklin Building, Murray St.
[Map of land from Lispenard Street to Duggan Street, between Chapel Street and Church Street.]
New York Telephone Bdg, West and Vesey Sts.
[Building on fire.]
W. R. Taylor's Benefit Grand Fancy Dress Ball
Terpsichore Military and Civic Assembly
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from Lispenard and Canal Street, where the two streets converge.
Ninth Annual Ball of Washington Assocation
Merchants Refrigerating Co., 35 N. Moore St.