[Rudd House, northeast corner 114th Street and Riverside Drive.]
114th Street and Riverside Drive. General exterior.
West 114th Street and Morningside Drive. Church
[Rudd Mansion]
[Northeast corner of West 139th Street and Riverside Drive.]
[Riverside Drive and 103th Street. Roerich Museum.]
Riverside Dwellings, 619 West 114th St.
Riverside Dwellings, 611-619 West 114th St.
Broadway Series. View of house which stands at northeast corner of Broadway and 114th Street.
[Mansion on 138th Street and 7th Avenue.]
[606 Riverside Drive, southeast corner of Riverside Drive and 138th Street.]
[Bear and faun fountain, Morningside Park at 114th Street.]
[Looking northeast from Riverside Drive, just south of 177th Street.]
435 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 116th Street. Colosseum Apartment House.
Riverside Drive at the S.E. corner of West 113th Street. Apartment house.