Birthplace of Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., 34th Street and Fourth Avenue.
Park Avenue - 33rd to 34th Sts. [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
[Park Avenue and 34th Street.]
[Park Ave and 34th Street. 71st Regiment Armory.]
Park Avenue and 34th Street [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
[Park Avenue at 34th Street.]
34th Street and Park Avenue.
Park Avenue north from 34th Street.
East 34th Street and Park Avenue. 71st Regiment Armory building
34th Street at the corner of Park Avenue. 71st Regiment Armory.
Park Avenue - 32nd to 34th Sts. | [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
[5th Avenue and 34th Street.]
[34th Street and 5th Avenue.]
6th Avenue and 34th Street.
5th Avenue and 34th Street, northwest corner.
[6th Avenue and 34th Street.]
Eighth Avenue and 34th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]
Park Avenue and 66th Street [Park Avenue & 42nd Street to Park Row]