[Rhinelander Sugar House.]
Rhinelander's Sugar House & Residence between William & Rose Sts.
[Detail of window from Old Sugar House in Rhinelander Building.]
Old Sugar Houses, Rose Street
Thousand Hessian prisoners brought from Trenton to Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1776.
Lieut. Moody Releases a Condemned Prisoner from Sussex C. Gaol May 1780.
Receipted bill issued by order of Captain Nathaniel and presented by David Bouton to Stephen De Lancey for imprisonment as a Loyalist, January 12, 1777
The Old Tennent Parsonage. On Manmouth Battlefield. Erected 1706.
[Resolution for the interment of the relics of American seamen, soldiers and citizens who died on board the Jersey Prison Ship during the Revolution.]
Undated order from Sir William Erskine to the habitants of Suffolk County
A Song, made by a Dutch Lady at the Hague, for the Sailors of the American Vessels at Amsterdam. June 1779. Another, made by a Dutch Gentleman, at Amsterdam, to be sung by the same, on the 4 of July.
[Rhinelander Sugar House]
The Oracle - Britania, Hibernia, Scotia, and America assembled to consult the Oracle on the present situation of Public Affairs. Time is acting as Priest.
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, February 20, 1778-March 13, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, May 10, 1777-June 20, 1777, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, December 31, 1777-February 14, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
French Relief Troops, 1776-83.