5th Avenue at the S.W. corner of 36th Street. Russek's Store, formerly Gorham and Co.
East 36th Street. Russek Store, 5th Avenue, 36th Street entrance.
5th Avenue and 36th Street. [Italian War Commission, June 1917.]
West 36th Street and Fifth Avenue, southwest corner. Russek's Store, formerly Gorham and Company
39th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Ovington's Store, detail of basement front.
385 5th Avenue and 36th Street, S.E. corner. Office building.
38th Street and 5th Avenue. Franklin Simon and Co. Store.
37th Street and 5th Avenue. Ventilighters in the Franklin Simon Store.
50th Street and 5th Avenue. Kirkpatrick Store. Detail of entrance door.
519 8th Avenue at 36th Street, S.W. corner. Lofts, office building.
36th Street at the N.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Building.
West 36th Street at the corner 5th Avenue. Gorham Building.
36th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Looking S.E.
5th Avenue at the corner of East 37th Street. Bonwit Teller addition.
36th Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. Looking N.E.
36th Street at the N.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Detail of building showing window advertising.
Broadway and 36th Street. Greenwich Savings Bank.
5th Avenue at the N.W. corner of 38th Street. Lord and Taylor Building.
57th Street and 5th Avenue. Manufacturers Trust, detail of entrance.