[Plaque at Golden Hill.]
[Plaque on 115 Broadway, corner of Thames Street.]
[Plaque on west side of Stone Street.]
[Fort George Tablet, Battery Park.]
[In Battery Park near Barge Office found on the site of 55 Broadway corner of Exchange Alley.]
South Ferry.
[Plaque--Edgar Allen Poe.]
[South Ferry.]
South Ferry Bldg, 44 Whitehall St.
[In Battery Park near Barge Office, found on the site of 55 Broadway corner of Exchange Alley.]
[Tablet and inscription on building at 15 Maiden Lane.]
[Tablet on building of International Telephone Co., Broad and William Streets.]
[Plaque placed in error at 10 Pearl Street to mark the site of the first city hall, which was actually at 73 Pearl Street.]
[Fort Clinton (Aquarium), Battery.]
[End of the largest tree, Battery Park.]
[Memorial to John Wolfe Ambrose on Aquarium (Castle Garden) wall.]
[Army Building.]
[Battery Park from 22nd floor of 26 Broadway.]
[Statue of Ericsson.]
[Tablet on New York Cotton Exchange.]