[View up Nassau Street from top of Liberty Tower.]
[From the top of Woolworth Building, looking south towards New York Harbour.]
[View of New York City from the East River.]
West View From the Singer Tower
Old New York City view. Wall Street looking east from Trinity Church tower
[Aerial view of the North River.]
[Looking at the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center from the vicinity of Liberty State Park, New Jersey.]
[Skyline from tower of Brooklyn Bridge.]
[Brooklyn Bridge.]
[Looking toward the upper floors of Liberty Tower, 55 Liberty Street.]
View-Skyline 1909 Lower Manhattan from Brooklyn.
[Panoramic view of New York, taken from the Brooklyn Bridge tower.]
[View of Manhattan from Brooklyn]
[View of Lower Manhattan from the East River]
[Liberty Tower, 55 Liberty Street.]
[East River north from Brooklyn Bridge.]
[West Street, north from Morris Street.]