Bright Eyes. [Portrait of a young man.]
Home News. [Out of town newspapers stand.]
Homage. [Father Duffy Sqaure during dim-out.]
Straining For News. [Man with newspaper near Times Square.]
News from Home - a Ray of Sunshine. [Soldier at a newspaper stand.]
Dimming the Shine [Couple in doorway near Times Square.]
[South Street Elevated Highway sign.]
[Broadway and Bond Street.]
[Advertising posters on a fence, traffic sign reads "Pleasure Traffic Keep Over to the Left. Business Traffic Keep Over to the Curb"]
Competition for a Traffic Signal Tower
"I'se in Town Honey!" - Aunt Jemima
Silhou-eats. [Men silhouetted by neon signs.]
[Traffic crossing under the Sixth Avenue El.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [One Times Square with Liberty Loan banners.]
Changing New York [Cityscape.]
The Ramp
[Times Square at night.]
Near Rockefeller Center, Mercury atop Traffic Light.