Dim - Out Traffic. [Times Square during dim out.]
Homage. [Father Duffy Sqaure during dim-out.]
Dimming the Shine [Couple in doorway near Times Square.]
Straining For News. [Man with newspaper near Times Square.]
Bright Eyes. [Portrait of a young man.]
Gone but Not Forgotten. [Times Square during Dim-out.]
Times Square August 1942 Dim But Never Dismal. [Times Square during the dim-out.]
No Dim Out Here. [Men at a newspaper stand.]
The Pride of Times Square. [Military personnel in Times Square.]
Dim Out Dream. [Man asleep in stoop during dim-out.]
Mary Gets Going. [Soldiers and girl dancing in Times Square.]
Pep-ed up for a Good Time [A group of soldiers and women near Times Square.]
News from Home - a Ray of Sunshine. [Soldier at a newspaper stand.]
[Times Square.]
Dim Signals. [Broadway and 46th Street during the dim-out.]
Times Square
"Oysters R In Season" Times Square