[Presbyterian Hospital.]
Presbyterian Hospital; Madison Ave and 70th Street. New York.
East 70th Street at the East River. New York Hospital. Lying-in Hospital, women's clinic
Presbyterian Hospital, Park Ave. & 70th Street
Presbyterian Hospital, Park Ave & 70th St.
Mt. Sinai Hospital
77th Street between Park and Lexington Avenue. German Hospital, east side and front.
720 Park Avenue. Apartment building
[2-4 East 63rd Street. Hospital, reconstructed Zeigler residence.]
Presbyterian Hospital; Madison Ave. and 70th Street, New York
70th Street and Madison Avenue. Presbyterian Hospital, general exterior.
119 East 74th Street. Lodenstine Hospital, private sanitarium
[Brick Presbyterian Church.]
East 68th Street and Park Avenue. View looking south down Park Avenue towards NY Central Building
East 70th Street at the East River. Lying-in Hospital. Interior, exhibit
Mt. Sinai Hospital, grand staircase.
New York Hospital and Cornell Medical College
Memorial Hospital. North Elevation
H. C. Frick Residence. Trees Planted