[Base of flagstaff in Union Square.]
[Union Square.]
[Detail of flagpole base in Union Square.]
[George Washington Statue in Union Square.]
[Union Square with George Washington Statue.]
Untitled [Men sitting at base of flagstaff, Union Square]
[Fulton Street, looking toward East River.]
Untitled [Men sitting at and sleeping at base of flagstaff, Union Square]
[Foley Square.]
[Looking north-west from Gramercy Park.]
Union Square, looking northwest towards Broadway.
[113 East Broadway.]
[Union Square West, looking south from 15th Street toward 14th Street.]
West side of Union Square.
[Washington Square.]
Union Square, West.
[Dover Street looking toward Municipal Building from Front Street.]
Detail, bronze base of flagpole, Union Square.
[West Union Square.]