[Suffrage meeting.]
[J. G. Phelps Stokes speaking on East Side.]
[Reviewing 4th of July Parade.]
[China in New York, 4th of July Parade, New York.]
[4th of July Parade.]
[Fourth of July Parade.]
Taken 20 seconds after bomb thrown.
[Union Square.]
[China in New York, 4th of July Parade.]
[Indians in New York's 4th of July parade.]
[Wreathing Franklin Statue.]
[Junior patriots decorate Hale Statue.]
[Anne Morgan & Harriet Alexander in coach, Magnet.]
Mrs. Clark Fisher & Her Home.
Inspector Moses Cortwright.
[Marine band, City Hall.]
[American Student Union march.]
[Chas W. Morse taken handcuffed to the tombs.]
[U.S. Marines & Artillery.]