444 Amsterdam Avenue at 82nd Street. New York Public Library.
68th to 70th Street and York Avenue. N.Y. Hospital, Cornell Medical Center, general view from York Avenue and 68th Street.
172 West 79th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Apartments.
East 68th Street and York Avenue. New York Cornell Medical Center
[East 68th Street and Madison Avenue.]
68th Street and Park Avenue. Hunter College, under construction.
5th Avenue and 68th Street. Whitney Residence.
66th Street to 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Lincoln Towers, view looking west from Hotel Chalfont at the corner of 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
West 100th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. New York City Health Center and Library, detail upright of main entrance to health center.
345 East 68th Street. Apartments.
35 East 68th Street. Residence.
79th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Hotel Lucerne.
5th Avenue between 68th and 69th Street. Group view of three new apartments.
127 Amsterdam. New York Public Library
West 112th Street near Amsterdam Avenue. Seventh Church of Christ Scientist.
943 Lexington Avenue and 68th Street, S.E. corner. Apartments exterior.
[Park Avenue and East 68th Street.]
5th Avenue and 68th Street. Wm. C. Whitney residence.