[View of South Street from Brooklyn Bridge.]
[Ships at dock, with Brooklyn Bridge in background.]
[View from Brooklyn Bridge looking toward South Street.]
[A. #71-73 South Street ; B. #71-75 South Street; C. #69-70 South Street; D. #76-80 South Street.]
[Ships at South Street dock.]
[Ships at South Street docks.]
[South Street docks with view of Brooklyn Bridge and skyline of Lower Manhattan.]
[The ships Peking and Wavertree docked at piers 15-17 in the South Street Seaport.]
[Nos. 226-232 South Street, with Brooklyn Bridge.]
[Ships at dock, South Street.]
[Foot of Roosevelt Street at the Brooklyn Bridge.]
[A. Ships on East River, Brooklyn Bridge in background ; B. Birds eye view of the Brookyn Bridge.]
South Street. Brooklyn Bridge in foreground.
[View from the Brooklyn Bridge.]
[Peking docked at the South Street Seaport.]
[A. Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge ; B. Brooklyn Bridge.]