[South Street dock.]
[Pier at South Street.]
South Street.
Along South Street, the new Brooklyn Bridge over the East River.
[A. View of the ship Cristobal Colon ; B. View of Brooklyn Bridge from South Street ; C. Ships at dock ; D. #76 South Street.]
[View of South Street from Brooklyn Bridge.]
[The lighter "Tobin" by South Street.]
[South Street]
[No. 51 South Street near Cuyler's Alley.]
[South Street and Beekman Street.]
South Street and Beekman Slip [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
[Ships at dock, South Street.]
Fulton and South Streets.
South Street
South Street Stool Pigeon
[South Street Seaport]
[Nos. 226-232 South Street, with Brooklyn Bridge.]
[View from Brooklyn Bridge looking toward South Street.]