[Weehawken Street.]
[Oldest houses, Weehawken Street.]
[Eagles and Goat Sculpture in Central Park.]
[Northwest corner, Broadway and 100th St.]
[Statue of Peter Stuyvesant.]
[Statue of Peter Cooper.]
Weehawken Street [Weehawken Street to Worth Street]
[Statue of Samuel Morse.]
[Iron Bridge in Central Park.]
[The "Clam Broth" and other old buildings on the west side of Weehawken Street.]
[The Clam Broth house on the west side of Weehawken Street.]
[Detail of flagpole base in Union Square.]
[The Indian Hunter statue.]
[Soup line at the Catholic Worker, Chrystie Street.]
[Statue of David Farragut.]
[Detail of carving on building at West End Avenue and 85th Street.]
[Exterior detail of apartment building on West 77th Street.]