[Salem Methodist Church.]
Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church, New York.
132 West 138th Street. Abyssinian Baptist Church. Interior
[4 Views of St. Philip's Church, 134th Street west of 7th Avenue.]
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Madison Avenue at the corner of 129th Street. All Saints Roman Catholic Church.
St. Andrews Church, New York.
[Rose Hill Methodist Epsicopal Church on East 27th Street.]
Madison Avenue at the corner of 129th Street. All Saints Roman Catholic Church, school.
Untitled [Harlem, woman preaching in Mother Horn's Church.]
Madison Avenue at the corner of 129th Street. All Saints Roman Catholic Church, facade of school.
All Saints Church, Madison Avenue and 129th St. New York.
[Meeting house of First Baptist Church of Harlem.]
Madison Avenue at the corner of 129th Street. All Saints Roman Catholic Church, façade.
Madison Avenue at the corner of 129th Street. All Saints Roman Catholic Church, interior view looking at organ.
Churches, Trinity Church.
[The Little Church Around the Corner.]
The Little Church Around the Corner.