[Washington Square.]
[6 Washington Square North.]
[Northwest corner of 5th Avenue and Washington Square North.]
[North side of Washington Square, east of 5th Avenue.]
[5th Avenue, north to Washington Square.]
[Washington Square Park looking north to 5th Avenue.]
[Man on a stoop, 5th Avenue.]
[George Washington Statue in Union Square.]
[5th Avenue, Washington Square Park to 8th Street.]
Washington Arch. 5th Avenue - 8th Street. Where 5th Avenue begins at 8th Street. Completed in 1893.
[Washington Square North.]
[West side of 5th Avenue, between Washington Square and 8th Street.]
[Base of flagstaff in Union Square.]
[West side of 5th Avenue, from Washington Square to 8th Street,]
[North side of Washington Square.]