[Monroe House, 63 Prince Street.]
[Moving Monroe House from Prince Street and Lafayette Street.]
[Moving Monroe House from Prince Street and Lafayette Steet.]
[Corner of Prince Street and Lafayette Street.]
[Prince Street and Lafayette Street.]
[Near corner of Prince Street and Lafayette Street.]
Prince Street and Lafayette Street [Park Row to Prince Street]
[205, 203, 201 and 199 Prince Street.]
[Broadway between Prince and Houston Streets.]
Princess on Prince Street
Broadway and Prince Street. Niblo's Garden, 1887.
[Richard Haas' wall painting on 114 Prince Street.]
[109 Prince Street.]
[Prince Street and Mercer Street.]
109 Prince Street, 1975
[Pinking Shears Corporation building, 102 Prince Street.]
Vicinity of 190 Prince Street. View of model tenements showing range in kitchen.