501 Madison Avenue. Luck and Lucky Restaurant, plan.
501 Madison Avenue. Luck and Lucky Restaurant, floor plan.
501 Seventh Avenue
121 Madison Avenue. Drawing [of building].
260 Madison Avenue. Detail of entrance, drawing.
[383-387 Madison Avenue?]. Drawing of remodeled building.
501 Seventh Avenue. Interior, entrance hall
1019 Sixth Avenue. Carnegie Restaurant.
299 Madison Avenue. View looking up Madison Avenue.
270 Madison Avenue.
[Upper stories of the Astor Trust building, 501 Fifth Avenue.]
25 Madison Avenue. Schrafft's.
501 5th Avenue at 42nd Street. Astor Trust Building, general exterior.
57th Street and 3rd Avenue. Schrafft's Restaurant.
26th Street and Madison Avenue. Madison Square Garden.
412-416 Madison Avenue.