[99th Street Railyard for the Third Avenue El.]
[Third Ave El station being demolished at 99th St.]
[West End Avenue and 99th Street.]
[Hospital at 99th Street.]
[170 West 99th Street]
[Park Avenue between 98th and 99th Street.]
99th Street and 1st Avenue. P. S. 99, classroom.
99th Street and 1st Avenue. P. S. 99, gymnasium.
99th Street and 1st Avenue. P. S. 99, exterior.
99th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. St. Michael's Church, interior.
[99th Street and Broadway, looking north.]
[Third Avenue El from 27th Street.]
[Third Avenue El at 18th Street.]
[Third Avenue El at 29th Street.]
[Third Avenue El from 5th Street.]
[Third Avenue El at 10th Street.]