[East 86th Street.]
12 East 86th Street. Hotel Croydon
[103 East 86th Street.]
[86th Street looking east from Park Avenue.]
[86th Street and 3rd Avenue.]
[Corner of 3rd Avenue and 86th Street.]
[YMCA on 86th Street.]
Proctor's 86th Street Theatre
12 East 86th Street. Hotel Croydon. Interior, kitchenette
[North side of 86th Street.]
5th Avenue and 86th Street. William Starr Miller residence.
Miss Ely's School, Riverside Dr. & 86th St.
12 East 86th Street. Hotel Croydon. Entrance
[47 West 86th Street.]
12 East 86th Street. Hotel Croydon. Interior, living room
12 East 86th Street. Croydon Hotel. Interior, lobby
12 East 86th Street. Hotel Croydon. Interior, bedroom
108 East 86th Street. Apartment building
12 East 86th Street. Hotel Croydon. Interior, coffee room