[Detail of a train wheel.]
[Detail of journal box on a train.]
[Construction of a train car.]
[Detail of a railroad car.]
[Men completing manufacturing of a train.]
[Interior of a first class car on a Canadian Pacific train.]
[Mechanical details of a refrigerated railroad car.]
[Lunch counter and snack bar on a Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad train.]
[Interior of an unidentified train.]
[Sleeping compartment in a Chesapeake and Ohio Railway train.]
[Firemen putting out a fire in a train car.]
[Lounge in a Norfolk and Western Railway train.]
[Detail of roomette.]
[Women's lounge on a Chesapeake and Ohio Railway train.]
[Lounge on train.]
[Bedroom on train.]
[Main dining room on a Chesapeake and Ohio Railway train.]
[Detail of a train.]