[Shipping a railroad car.]
Waterfront. [Under an elevated railway.]
Waterfront. [Crane on a loading dock.]
[One-piece cast steel underframe for 125 - ton flat car.]
Ships, French Line, S.S. "Lafayette".
French Line, Putting Auto Aboard S.S. "Paris".
French Line, Autos Unboxed Going Aboard S.S. "Paris", Car Being Hoisted.
[French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Under Construction, Saint-Nazaire, France.]
Shipyard, Newburgh Shipyards.
French Line, S.S. "Ile de France", Auto Loading on "Ile de France" Pier 57 North River, In the Sling.
[Exterior view of undercar of a refrigerated railroad car.]
Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Exterior of Pier 16 B'klyn.
[Interior of a clearance car.]
Furness Withy Line, Looking South, Shutting Out Quebec View.
[Detail of journal box on a train.]
[New York City Line.]
U. S. S. Arizona Under Construction, Brooklyn Navy Yard
Ships, Savannah Line, S.S "City of Macon".