Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Brazil Day at the Altar of Liberty.]
[The Altar of Liberty.]
Chapel of the Intercession. Altar.
Chapel of St. Cornelius the Centurian, side altar.
Chapel of the Intercession. Detail of altar.
[Church. Interior, detail of altar.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan banners at the Rexall drug store in Times Square.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [One Times Square with Liberty Loan banners.]
[Liberty Bond Propaganda.]
[Altar of Trinity Church.]
[Church. Interior, pulpit and altar.]
[Church. Interior, aisle towards altar.]
[The altar erected to San Calogero.]
[Church. Interior, altar.]
[Rendering of an altar.]
Altar of Sacred Heart. St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York.
[S.S. "Manhattan", The Altar.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan signs on the fence of St. Patrick's Cathedral.]
The Arch of Freedom