[Public School #10 at St. Nicholas Avenue and 117th Street.]
[Report of Sylvan Katz and certification of his graduation from Public School 10B.]
Public School 10 Boys Commencement
[Public health instructor observes student teaching a patient.]
Public School 10 Manhattan Alumni Association Bulletin
116th St., west from Morningside Ave, New York.
[Class of '94 Columbia School of Mines after the rush.]
East Side Public School.
Lexington Avenue at the S.E. corner of 68th Street. Public School [with students out front].
Public School 165 from 108th to 109th Streets between Amsterdam Avenue and Boulevard.
Schools, Aquinas High School.
Doorway of Public School 165.
Interior, 115 E. 101st St., Childrens' Sunday School Class.
[School yard on 119th Street.]