Madison Avenue and 26th Street. New York Life Insurance Building, detail over small entrance.
Madison Avenue and 26th Street. New York Life Insurance Building, detail over main entrance.
51 Madison Avenue. New York Life Insurance Building, upper stories
51 Madison Avenue. New York Life Insurance Building, Fourth Avenue entrance
Madison Avenue and 26th Street. New York Life Insurance Building, detail of gargoyle, 13th floor.
51 Madison Avenue. New York Life Building
51 Madison Avenue. New York Life Insurance Building, detail of gargoyle, 13th floor
Madison Avenue and 26th Street. New York Life Insurance Building, detail of stonework around 12th and 13th floors.
[New York Life Insurance Annex, 63 Madison Avenue.]
Madison Avenue and 26th Street. New York Life Building, detail of top of tower.
Madison Square. View taken across Madison Square, site for New York Life Insurance Company's new building.
Madison Avenue between 27th and 28th Street. New York Life Insurance Co., new addition, view from S.W. on Madison Avenue.
New York Life Insurance Company, interior office view, Mr. Aitken at entrance.
43rd Street and 5th Avenue. Postal Life Building, detail of basement stories.
[New York Life Insurance Building.]