[Evening Post Building, Broadway and Fulton Street.]
90 Church Street. U.S. Federal Building and Post Office
[90 Church Street. U.S. Federal Building and Post Office. Interior, post office corridor.]
90 Church Street. U.S. Federal Building and Post Office. Interior, post office corridor
Carlisle Street and West Street. Evening Post Building.
West Street and Carlisle Street. Evening Post Building.
90 Church Street. U.S. Federal Building and Post Office. Interior, lobby
Vesey Street.
90 Church Street. U.S. Federal Building and Post Office. Interior, 17th floor machine room
187 Fulton Street to Vesey Street. Trinity Church Vestry Office.
[Evening Post Building, Broadway, S.W. corner of Fulton Street]
[90 Church Street. Federal office building and post office.]
90 Church Street. U.S. Federal Building and Post Office. Detail of eagle