Diogenes Has Found the Honest Man. - (Which Is Diogenes, and Which Is the Honest Man?)
"Old Honesty" Among the Ruins of Tammany.
The New Democratic Party Whip - Whipping into Line.
The Whited Sepulchre. Covering the Monument of Infamy with his White Hat and Coat.
The Cincinnati Convention, in a Pickwickian Sense.
"What Are You Laughing At? To the Victor Belong the spoils."
General Orders
What I Know About Horace Greeley.
Wholesale and Retail
It Is the Immediate Jewel of her Soul
Something That Did Blow Over
"Any Thing for a Change"
"What Are You Going to Do About it?"
Our Modern Falstaff Reviewing His Army
What H___ G___ Knows About Bailing.
"Old Honesty"
Cincinnatus. H. G. The Farmer Receiving the Nomination from H. G. the Editor
The "Liberal" Conspirators (Who, You All Know, Are Honorable Men).
What H.G. Knows About Thraeshing.
"None But the Brave Deserves the Fair."