[New York Association for the Blind, Workshop for Blind Men.]
New York Association for the Blind, Bourne Memorial Building for Men Workers.
New York Association for the Blind, Workshop, 35th St. & First Ave., Making Brooms.
New York Association for the Blind, Workshop, 35th St. & First Ave., Stack of Brooms.
N.Y. Association for the Blind, Blind Men Making Mops.
New York Association for the Blind, Workshop, 35th St. & First Ave., Making Dust Mops.
New York Association for the Blind, Interior, Men Bowling.
New York Association for the Blind, Workshop, 35th St. & frist Ave., Putting Wire Loop on Broom Handles.
New York Association for the Blind.
N.Y. Association for the Blind, Group of Blind Men Recaning Chairs at 338 East 35th St.
New York Association for the Blind, Interior, Man.
New York Association for the Blind, Interior, Bowling Group.
N.Y. Association for the Blind, Group of Blind Men in Truck Ready to Go to Picnic.