Residence, Interiors and Portrait of Ernest Thompson-Seton.
[Interior of Residence of Ernest Thompson-Seton]
[Interiors, Ernest Thompson Seton, Dining Room.]
[Interiors, Ernest Thompson Seton, Sitting Room.]
[Interiors, Ernest Thompson Seton, Studio.]
Ernest Thompson Seton.
Portrait, Ernest Thompson-Seton at Home (See Interiors).
Dining Rooms, Private Residences.
Residence, Mrs. Kellogg.
Residence, Interiors and Portrait of Mrs. Herman Lewis.
Portrait, Mr. Reginald de Koven's Residence Interiors & Painting.
Residence, Mr. White (Dramatic Editor of N.Y. Herald) Ridgewood, N.J.
Residence, Interiors, Olcott (Head of Albany Day Line).
Residence, F.W. Whitridge.
Interior, Dining Room, Residence of George Scarborough, St. George S.I.