Wall Street [Temple Street to Wall Street]
New York from Brooklyn Heights 6th August 1778
New York Harbor from Hobuck N Jersey Shore, drawn by Archibald Robertson
Harlem Lane [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
[New York Fire Department certification of appointment.]
Drawell at Morrissania
View of the Opening of Our Batterys at Hell Gate Upon the Rebel Works at Walton's House on the Island of N. York 8 Septr. 1776.
Grand Canal Celebration
Alexander Hamilton
Cherry Street [Central Park West to Coenties Slip]
First Mariners Methodist Episcopal Church
Union of Erie with the Atlantic
[Rutgers-Crosby Mansion.]
[Rutgers Mansion.]
[Cherry Hill]
Washington's House, Cherry Street, 1788
[145 Cherry Street, original home of the East River Savings Bank and the home of John Leveridge.]
Residence of Henry Remsen
[Benches in the Cherry Street public baths.]